Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aerial War Strategies Essay

There are two things that we first have to clarify and establish before we dig into the different warfare doctrines of the four subjects. First Mahan and Corbett were dominant personalities in the field of naval warfare whose doctrines diverge in some while contradict in most areas. Secondly we need make it clear that Douhet and Mitchell were theorists of aerial warfare strategies whose doctrines, like Mahan and Corbett have been largely recognized by experts in their respective fields. In this paper we will be evaluating their basic doctrines and theories and then would compare and contrasts those ideas in order for us to come up with a well-established, unbiased conclusion of who among them were considered original thinkers. This method would also allow us to have the necessary evaluation of their doctrines which may support our conclusion on who had presented their cases in the most objective manner. In order to do this, we have to evaluate how the authors Jablonsky and Paret presented their cases and then out of these would draw the conclusion on whose case have been presented objectively. Jablonsky sees several similarities as well as disagreements in the theories of Mahan and Corbett in terms of naval war tactics. According to Jablonsky, Mahan’s naval theory centers on the political-economic argument for sea power1. On the other hand, he summarizes the idea of Corbett by stating that he had linked naval military tactics with that of diplomacy and economic elements of strategy. For Jablonsky, Mahan’s scope of presenting his case is far narrower in comparison with that of Corbett’s. Based on Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power upon History (1660-1783), which was written in 1890, the author concentrated on defending his case on the national naval forces on which a sound decision of battlefield strategies should be based on. Mahan contends that victory is all about sinking the other fleet. In order to do this, decision-makers has to understand, Mahan stressed, that diplomacy has to be an integral part of the naval operations. His presentation of his theories was primarily based on the British history of fighting their trade battles, of which Britain was considered of great strength in sea power during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. His argument was that, British adversaries failed in their own battles because they failed to appreciate the necessity of sea power2. Mahan’s presentation of his argument is therefore historical which means that he made his case by presenting historical facts and have such events analyzed according to his propositions. His book was not only a history of the naval battles which had taken place in the period; it also drew lessons on why the victor was successful, based on the overall strategy of the governments involved. According to Paret, Mahan was well-established as an evangelist of sea power3. The integration of commerce in Mahan’s theory comes in aspect of assessing that targeting the enemy’s fleet by one’s fleet is one sure way of protecting a nation’s commercial advantage4. But here, we can draw some other ideas that may have been implied in Mahan’s theory. For example, gaining naval advantage over the enemy is not just for the sole purpose of protecting the naval commercial economy of the nation. Taken in a different perspective, naval strategies and commerce indeed come hand in hand in order that both may survive and eventually gain their edge over the enemies. To make it clear, it is in naval commercial activities (naval trade) that a nation gets much money to sustain its economy. Trade activities take place through the sea and therefore it is largely important that a country should be able to protect its sea territories. On the other hand, it is in a nation’s economic stand that would define the quality and quantity of military resources that it would provide for its naval protection. It is undeniably clear that naval technologies should be kept updated along with the strategies involved in order to win a battle. Mahan’s thesis was that commerce was fundamental to maritime power, and that the best way to threaten and/or defend it was to engage the enemy’s most powerful forces in decisive battle. He also maintains that the control of maritime commerce through command of the sea was the fundamental function of the navies. Jablonsky could be right in claiming that Corbett’s scope of sea power is broader with that of Mahan. This is primarily because Corbett focused not on great naval battles but on the use of sea power in a larger context. The context of his theory centers on strategy suited to a maritime power using amphibious warfare that is directed towards the enemies’ delicate peripheries4. Corbett largely presented this strategy in his book England in the Seven Year’s War. Like Mahan, Corbett presented his case using historical battle events and this time he used England’s. Although both are advocates of gaining sea power to gain victory, Corbett’s strategy was more of a defensive style rather than offensive as advocated by Mahan. Another notable difference with that of Mahan is that Corbett recognizes the limitations of naval power and so his argument was that there should be a well-coordinated land and naval strategies, rather than independent naval action, in order to gain the edge over the enemies. His concept of naval war strategies was later known as limited war theory which assessed that there exists a dynamic relationship between offense and defense at sea. Corbett in Britain’s traditional way of war adapted this concept. Like Mahan, Corbett believes that commerce was the primary driving force of the Anglo-Spanish war although there was also recognition of other factors such as religious and political matters. He explained that it was primarily the desire of the British for market expansion that King Philip II could not ignore in resolving problems in his territories (now Belgium and Holland). Because of the trade expansion, Spain’s income derived from America was severely affected and which then ignited the war. Corbett could then be right by concluding that commerce was the main reason why Spain went into war with England. In Corbett’s analysis, the war was initially provoked by the decree issued by the Spanish government which prevented American colonies to trade with English ships. Based on this event, Corbett got its point taken: Britain’s Maritime Strategy was based on commerce. This was shown in his complete discussion of the step by step actions taken by both warring parties and Corbett stressed that Spain indeed wanted to control England for the purpose of using the English Navy. In fact, Spain even came to the point of arranging the marriage of King Charles V’s son Philip with England’s Mary Tudor. Although religious factors, as mentioned earlier were part of the igniters of the Anglo-Spanish war, it was England’s increase in commercial shipping that strengthened their Maritime Power against Spain. In his book Drake’s Successors, Corbett stressed that the maritime strategy of England evolved from initially of commercial purposes to an accepted, well-established national method of England’s display of power. Jablonsky said that this particular book had clearly established Corbett as an independent maritime thinker and demonstrated through historical study, the limitations of maritime power. In this book, Corbett concluded that military and maritime strategies were interconnected. Since England’s tradition was a government-controlled navy, Corbett views its maritime strategy as a combination of the political with the military and required great insight. It is this aspect of Corbett’s theory that reveals his resemblance with the idea of Clausewitz. Finally in his book entitled England and the Seven Years War, Corbett confirmed his argument that although sea battles are the goal of a fleet, these battles must be sought and obtained by the fleet’s â€Å"interference with the enemy’s military and diplomatic arrangements. † Corbett cited France’ establishment of strong sea communications that is well-placed in the Straits and its Mediterranean Frontier and that without it, everything would be useless as defense strategies. While Mahan and Corbett seem to have succeeded in defending their claim of winning the war by strengthening a nation’s sea power, Guilio Douhet and Billy Mitchell have their completely different stand for advocating air power. Guiio Douhet was an Italian military officer who was known to have taken an active part in the Libyan campaign in Tripoli in 1911 to 1912. Douhet was famous for ardently supporting strategic bombing concept and the military superiority of air power over other forms of warfare. His name was also aired during WWI for organizing Italy’s bombing campaign. Douhet’s ideas however were not immediately accepted by his own country. In fact, he was even jailed after a court martial for having been an open critic of the aerial weakness of his nation. It was until the Italians were defeated by the Australian Air Force at Capoetto that Italian Air Force was able to confirm that Douhet was right. According to Douhet, command of air should be the first objective during war and having achieved it, subsequent bombing of industrialized and population centers would be so disruptive and destructive that the enemy would be forced to sue for peace. Using this argument, one may even see Douhet as a man who does not aim to win the war in the name of peace but of complete destruction of the enemy. Unlike Corbett, Douhet maintains that control of the air followed by strategic bombing could win a war independent of land and sea power. Having stated his case well enough, Douhet was regarded as the father of air power. After having been recalled and promoted to Brigadier General’s rank in 1921, Douhet was appointed by Benito Mussolini as the head of the aviation program of his country in 1922. It was also in 1921 that his book entitled Command of the Air was first published. His strategies was also proven to be effective not only by Italian Air Force but also served as basis for the development of aerial strategies of other countries like Britain and the United States. It was this influence and recognition that gave way to the birth of another air power advocate, the American Billy Mitchell. Mitchell was not however an early advocate of air power because he was originally enlisted and assigned in the Army General Staff after gaining outstanding war records during Philippines and Alaska tours. He even went through private flying lessons in 1916 before he was sent to France as part of the American contingent. Even then, Mitchell’s interest in air force strategies led him to be the top US airman at the end of the WWI. Like Douhet, Mitchell did not make it through full recognition of his theories that easy. Like Douhet, he was an open critic of the war and navy departments of his country especially on the grounds that the people concerned do not see the possibility of winning the war by mere dependence on air power. Also like Douhet, Mitchell later proved his critics wrong and his theories undoubtedly efficient. Unlike Mahan and Corbett, Mitchell argued that the best way to defend the US coasts from warship attacks is to strengthen its air power. The critics were doubtful of the possibility that an aircraft can sink one battleship. To prove his case, Mitchell agreed to have his theories be evaluated through a live test. Around June or July of 1921, live tests were conducted using Mitchell’s theories and this event successfully allowed air bombers to sink three captured German vessels including a USS Alabama during the first trial. On the next trial, they were able to sink another two obsolete US vessels. Despite these trial successes, Mitchell’s critics were not completely convinced and so he forced to make his stand be known to the public. For that reason, he was tried in the court martial, found guilty for the violation of the 96th articles of war in December 1925 and was suspended for five years. Mitchell however decided to resign in 1926. The Pearl Harbor bombing was probably the most prominent event that confirmed the accuracy of Mitchell’s theories. Like the prophet Muhammad who foretold the Middle East war crisis, Mitchell had his own prophecy of the Pacific War as early as 1924. Through a formal report submitted after a trip in Japan, Mitchell estimated that Japan would attack by air and sea on Pearl Harbor from Hawaii at 7:30am of December 7. Mitchell added that there would be an accompanying aerial attack on the Philippines by 10:40am on the same day. The horrifying actual scenario was that the Pearl Harbor attack happened at 7:55am (Hawaii), which Mitchell was only off by 25minutes. The actual attack in the Philippines occurred on 12:45pm and Mitchell slightly miscalculated by only two hours. It was too late to commend Mitchell for the possible counter attack by the US military forces should they considered Mitchell’s. Should the Pearl Harbor have been prevented, the United States would not have desperately considered nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki just to pacify Japan. Should Mitchell’s theories have been at least studied from the time it was submitted, it should have saved millions of Japanese lives and should delayed the birth of nuclear power for war purposes. Although Paret and Jablonsky considered Douhet as an original thinker in comparison with Mitchell, it was in the latter’s time that such aerial strategies have been delicately needed. Like Douhet, Mitchell insists that the potency of air power in any future conflict and that air power would be the most decisive element in any future conflict. Unlike any other war strategy advocates, Mitchell believed that strategic bombing could on its own defeat the enemy5. Mitchell as I personally see it was not in anyway a prophet for foretelling the details of the Pearl Harbor attack. His prophecy could not be merely based on a rough guessing of events that is going to take place because the actual report he submitted to the authorities was about two decades early and even the most intelligent person in the world cannot make such a wild guess. Mitchell got it almost one hundred percent accurate because he has his sound basis for studying the possibilities and he probably have gathered and analyzed enough data for him to come up with his report. His edge with other intelligent personalities in the field of warfare is that Mitchell had his mind wide open to war possibilities and that open mind enabled him to grab the opportunity to take the pieces of the puzzle together. The problem with his critics was that they seem to have taken things personally against Mitchell and so they were not able to comprehend the truth behind his theories and the wide possibilities of its efficient application to American aerial war strategies. It was just being sad that once in the histories of Italian and American nations, it took Douhet and Mitchell to be jailed first before they have proven their cases right. Put in another way, Italy and America caused millions of lives and vast amount of properties to be destroyed first before they were able to accept that they have to accept their weaknesses in their warfare strategies and be able to finally realize that they have people in their own nations that can save their future. Upon evaluation of Jablonsky and Paret’s presentation and critical review of the theories of the four authors, this paper argues that Paret have been more objective than Jablonsky in the sense that Paret’s was more of presenting their ideas. His presentation was backed up with seem to be more factual personal backgrounds of the theories especially their experiences that would relate and somehow gave the theorists the capacity to make their own arguments. Although Jablonsky have also presented the theorists’ ideas by basing on the books written by them, this paper sees that Jablonsky’s method of comparison have drawn some fine lines of advocating one over the others.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Characters in George Orwells novel “Animal Farm” Essay

The book animal farm, written by George Orwell, is believed to tell the story of not just a story about some rebellious animals, but represents how the Russian revolution took place. Many believe this because of the way he portrays certain characters in the novel. Such as snowball being represented as Leon Trotsky, old major being represented as , and the ruthless leader of the farm napoleon representing the leader of the U.S.S.R. Josef starlin. After the rebellion of manor farm, napoleon declared himself the ruler or the animals and the estate. He also renamed the property Animal farm, showing that the animals where no longer to be kept as slaves by humans running the farm, but instead to be at the same social level as all the other animals. This is similar to when starlin took leadership or Russia after the tsar was expelled from his country by the people. Starlin then renamed Russia the U.S.S.R. Napoleon is orwells villain in animal farm and represents Joseph starlin during the Russian revolution. Napoleon and starlin both attempt to run a socialist empire but soon finds that their human nature overwhelms them into taking advantage of their position. Napoleon seems to be a good leader at first, but becomes greedy and power hungry. Starlin also became greedy and power hungry in Russia, making the idea of socialism in Russia behind. What is meant by this is whilst the peasants were suffering and living in poverty, starlin was living in luxury. When the industrialization of Russia happened, like on animal farm with the windmill, both napoleon and starlin didn’t want it to happen at first. Like when snowball wanted the idea to happen before napoleon and he declined, and when Leon Trotsky wanted it to happen when starlin didn’t. Eventually napoleon decided to have electricity to the farm by building a windmill to power the electricity and create a better image for the farm as well as improving productivity. This is like when starlin introduced the five year plan. Starlin did industrialize his country, and boost his international  status, but his countries living conditions where no better off. The true character of napoleon is shown when he has the animals plotting against him executed, and when he hires a pig to sample his food to make sure that he isn’t being poisoned. Starlin also was a ruthless leader in Russia. After suspecting many people in his congress supporters of Trotsky, starlin also had these people executed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kid kustomers summery essay

That was until the â€Å"Decade of the Child consumer† as many marketing experts call it, where marketing agencies legalized that working parents are more willing to spend money on materialistic items for their kids t o keep them happy. Most all big marketing agencies around that time realized the potential opportunity they had to create a olfactory fan to their brand, so in turn most every ad agency created a child en division to their company.The children divisions of the companies were completely focused o n how to market their brand to stick in young kids minds. The best example of this that Closer BRI nags up in the article is he old Camel Cigarettes mascot, â€Å"Joe Camel†. Joe Camel was a cartoon chart term that the camel cigarettes brand invented to help market their product to a younger crowd an d it worked perfectly.A study done in 1991 showed that almost all American kids age six, could recon nice Joe Camel just as easily as the famous Mackey mouse. Then ano ther very shocking study came shortly after that found that % of all cigarettes illegally sold to minors were Camel cigarettes. Closer goes on to explain that marketing agencies have a goal of getting chi lilied to have pacific reasons for their parents why they need the advertised product.They don't just want kids to whine and beg for their product because they want it, the agencies want child Rene to feel certain reasons why they actually need the product. In order to know what kids need to see to get infatuated with a product, market researchers hold staged sleepovers, focus groups and play d dates for kids as young as two or three to study what they talk about, play with, and even what they drag w in their pictures. The ad agencies also used the internet as a huge marketing tool to children.In 1 998 a federal investigation of the internet found that 89% of children aimed sites were requesting personal information from children without a parents consent which now is illegal due t o the Children's Online Pri vacancy Protection Act, which took effect in the year 2000. The biggest tool that marketing agencies still have to hook our children on the IR product is the television. Despite the efforts of the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) to ban al I television ads directed at children under seven, the television still remains the number one place for racketing agencies to spread their message subliminally to children's minds.With TV channels like N clonked, the Disney Channel, the Cartoon Network and all the other child networks, the television is broadcasting children based advertisements tenderfoot hours a day. Before 1 980, or the â€Å"Decade of the child consumer† none of these television networks even existed. Now the typical American chill d is watching television at an average of twenty hours a week and almost one and a half months o UT of a year, watching more than thirty thousand TV commercials.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2008 Financial Crisis - Analysis Of Causes And Implications Essay

2008 Financial Crisis - Analysis Of Causes And Implications - Essay Example Qualitative data includes position papers, articles from academic journals and business media that shed light on the crisis, its causes and its impact on the various stakeholders. The quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed to understand the causal, relational and descriptive aspects of the research question: 1. What are the causes of the 2008 financial crisis? 2. How are these causes related? 3. How did the crisis affect the major stakeholders of the global economy? Literature Review One challenging aspect of writing this paper was selecting from a wide range of available literature on the subject, each one proposing a unique perspective on the causes and effects of the 2008 financial crisis. Included are articles by a wide range of academics, Nobel Prize-winning economists, hands-on managers, legal theoreticians and practitioners, investigative journalists, politicians, accountants, public and private bankers, labor law experts, and engineers. For this paper, the researcher looked at reference books, journal articles and working papers in economics, financial management and accounting, newspaper articles and the Report of two government bodies enacted by law. Many authors, some better known, were not included because they were published later or duplicated the analysis found in the earlier works. The earliest references predicted the economic crises before it happened. University of Chicago economics professor Rajan (345-46) warned in a speech before the Federal Reserve of Kansas in 2005 of â€Å"excessive risk taking in financial markets and the possibility of a full-scale financial blowout.† NYU Prof. Roubini... One challenging aspect of writing this paper was selected from a wide range of available literature on the subject, each one proposing a unique perspective on the causes and effects of the 2008 financial crisis. Included are articles by a wide range of academics, Nobel Prize-winning economists, hands-on managers, legal theoreticians and practitioners, investigative journalists, politicians, accountants, public and private bankers, labor law experts, and engineers. For this paper, the researcher looked at reference books, journal articles and working papers in economics, financial management and accounting, newspaper articles and the Report of two government bodies enacted by law. Many authors, some better known, were not included because they were published later or duplicated the analysis found in the earlier works. The earliest references predicted the economic crises before it happened. University of Chicago economics professor Rajan warned in a speech before the Federal Reserve of Kansas in 2005 of â€Å"excessive risk-taking in financial markets and the possibility of a full-scale financial blowout†. Roubini followed almost a year later in a speech before the staff of the International Monetary Fund, when he warned that there was â€Å"a more than 50 percent risk of a U.S. recession the following year, because, over the past several years, U.S. consumers had gone on a spending binge, with many using their home equity as an â€Å"ATM† . In 2007, BIS reported: â€Å"the world economy was in danger of a major slump†.

Is patient protection and affordability act really affordable Research Paper

Is patient protection and affordability act really affordable - Research Paper Example According to CBO the Act will not only bend the healthcare cost curve, but will also help in reducing the deficit in the next ten years and beyond (PPACA Detailed Summary, n.d.). The aim of this paper is to evaluate the Act and find out if it is economically viable or not for the Americans. For this purpose I intend to explore the peer reviewed articles in order to understand the economic effects of the Act. Towards the end a conclusion shall be made based on the findings of the research. Howard (2011) has discussed in detail the economic consequences of the Act in his article â€Å"The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Economy, Employers and the Workforce†. Howard is of the view that the Act is neither affordable nor a solution to the healthcare problems of the Americans. Instead, it would lead to increased problems and cost pressures along with economic degeneration and unemployment. Reducing the fiscal deficit leads to economic growth and job creation. If the US government continues to spend money without any cost effective plans, the US economy will soon be crippled. Slowing the growth rate of the health care cost is therefore a good option. The Act however asks the middle class to purchase heavily subsidized health care insurance and doubles the size of Medicaid program because of the increased number of insured people. Howard (2011) is of the view that the Act is not a suitable way of bending the cost curve, as mentioned by President Obama. As more and more people are insured, the demand for health services would increase which would mean more expansion and spending on health care projects, such as Medicaid. The Act ensures more spending on health care and increased demand will lead to increased cost of health care goods and services. A prominent economist, Jonathan Gruber (quoted online in California Healthline, 2010), explained the Act as â€Å"a spaghetti approach† to cost control. It is just doing a lot without getting any optimal

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Build a 4g network Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Build a 4g network - Research Paper Example It is expected at the same time to deliver an increase of approximately eighty two percent of high-speed network connectivity, and a 19 percent increment of subscriptions of mobile platform. From the inspiration by Gardner (2009), this technology also aims at minimizing the operational cost of the connection deal that has been won, and to enjoy the fact that there is no barrier in the use of laws, technology and language, political limitations and rules which have to be of major emphasis to the organization. From the earlier studies, it had been revealed that the internet connection can be used to establish more advanced data communications. Empirically, the network is ideal since it can revive the falling position of the company. Considering the cost factors, there are massive plans to invest a lot of funds into the up-and-coming 4G connection and high standard Long Term Evolution (LTE). The advanced TDMA technology will not only be a source of revenue for the USA business, but will also raise a lot of interest in practical areas that can be applied to the construction and implementation of the 4G network as an upgrade from the previous versions, 3G. The installation of this 4G network will focus on popularizing its use in the US. Selection of Equipment for the System The tests of the TDMA network gives data reports on the behaviors of the equipment right from the manufacturers to the requirement of the fourth-generation (4G) measurements, using both the single instrument and integrated instrument system solutions popularly applied in the U.S. It will serve the purpose of satisfying the growing demand for quality services and solutions such as voice, video and data communication. It is clear from the discussion by Browne (2009) that the 3G technologies have not been able to provide the solutions. The technology in this plan is a 4G series of network that uses the Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless technique. One of the requirements will be wireless signal anal yzers which are able to support devices of 2G and 3G specifications. This project views both the technical and analytical aspects of the higher standard requirement in the 4G technology, with the aim to increase the connectionless radio frequencies of the signal analyzers designed for use to support this 4G network. The design of these systems together with the corresponding software is planned to be the foundation for the Long Term Evolution 4G wireless connection. Long Term Evolution in this context expects the subsequent telephony Generation to be made up of mobile broadband technology. Data transfer takes place at the rate of 100 MB per second. Devices Required In order to solve the coverage issues that have been identified in the preliminary studies of this project, the fundamental device that will be required is the signal analyzer. Secondly, the 4G network will use Nokia cellular phone handsets versions that can support the GSM, TDMA and CDMA protocols. Using the idea from Le cklider (2009), the connection will require wireless connection channels of at least 30KHzs and speech coding devices. It will also require a modulation device that works with modulation of Differential ? / 4 – QPSK. Other devices include Smart Antennas, which essentially imply antennas stationed in the base connection station and cancelling the interference using digital signal

Monday, August 26, 2019

Authenticity & Socio-econmic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Authenticity & Socio-econmic - Essay Example He believes that acquiring such material possessions should make individuals to be interested in the manner in which the users fulfill the necessity for service, inside the extensive culture of society. For instance, the leather couch, or the professional player ought to act as some means of bridging the divide between the indigenous and wider cultures. This is similar argument to Jhally views on consumerism, especially in his belief that advertising stresses a world in which desires in form of new materials, are reflected through the emphasizing of social relationships, rather than material possessions (Jhally, 3). This is because Jungen appropriation and remodeling of universal but industrially manufactured consumer goods, reveals how such goods tend to portray an influential identity of desirable global commodity. The most consistent stories told by the whole range of advertising, is consumerism. Whereby more economic growth implies added consumption, as well as more production. The entire range of advertisements insists on individual power, console, desires, appeals and pleasures. The values stressed by the ads include taking desires and then preconceiving them to tie with the universe of commodities (Phillips, 5). Jhally, Congdon and Blandy’s are right in implying that advertising drives individuals away from important human relationships with others within the society, as it reduces their capability to develop happiness. Jhally asserts that advertising takes away normality from the consumers. However, all of these critics of consumerism and advertising, places more emphasis on the issue between needs and wants. Undeniably, Jhally, just like Jungen tends to extend their criticism of advertising on commercialism, to be a disapproval of egalitarianism and marketing. Thus, such assertions that advertising colonizes or dominates contemporary culture are not entirely spot on,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Actors and Acting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Actors and Acting - Essay Example Just like the stories being told, there are also various categories that these actors fall into, depending on the role being portrayed. The 5 definitions of actors are impersonators, interpreters, personality, wild card and characters. These are the actor types that I will be discussing in the following pages. To get started, I first want to discuss the Impersonator. Our text clearly defines this type of actor as "suggesting that the actor has simply copied the manner, dialect, and behavior of a character, instead of creating the character." Examples of effective character acting provided as an example include the portrayal of Phillip Seymour Hoffman of Capote, an impersonation job which, due to its effectivity, won the actor an Oscar, and Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth in The Queen. As an impersonator, they were required to be as similiar as possible to the real life person they were portraying. For Hoffman, it was the trademark lisp, for Mirren, it was her uncanny resemblance to t he actual Queen. Aside from these two people, another effective personator who comes to my mind is Frank Langella in Nixon. His similarity in looks and his ability to copy the actual speech pattern of Pres. Richard Nixon helped the audience immerse in a total viewing experience. He was not just acting as the president, there were actually times when you would believe that he was the president because of the way he conducted himself while in character.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Of Services- Music Retailers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Of Services- Music Retailers - Essay Example The existence of certain sites that stream music for free has impacted greatly on the music industry in the UK. Deezer’s Europe vice-president Gerrit Schumann said: â€Å"A lot of people are not willing to pay for music, but they’re engaged with it, and that’s the first point. We see a lot of people coming to us who don’t buy CDs anymore,†. It is very easy to get a free trial of music and this has impacted on the music retail sector. The other element that is impacting the music industry in the UK is piracy. Through the use of computer-aided communication technology, the pirates can copy original music and make counterfeit copies that often find their way on the market through the back door. This practice has significantly impacted on copyright infringement of the musicians and it has become a challenging task for the artists, marketers, and distributors of music to operate viably in the face of such malpractices taking place in daylight. The other issue is that it is pretty difficult to curtail piracy and a lot of money in this industry are lost through such unorthodox channels. It can be seen that the music retailers are faced with different challenges in their operations through the industry still remains a source of revenue in the economy. The service challenges likely to be faced in this sector vary depending on each characteristic of the service going to be discussed in detail below. Strydom has observed that one of the characteristics of a service is that it is intangible.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Behavior 3 - Essay Example By focusing on discussing the problem, both parties can have a better chance to solve the problem. Descriptive communication is all about being able to accurately and objectively describe the problem. In other words, negotiators should avoid judging or labeling a person for their behavior. Aside from focusing on solutions to the problem, negotiators should be able to maintain his/her objectivity when describing the event. Speaking in general terms can trigger miscommunication. To avoid misrepresenting the problem, negotiators should be specific when managing the problem. In general, specific communication means that negotiators should communicate in such a way that they will be clearly understood by the receiver of the message. In other words, they should speak direct to the point. Disjunctive communication is all about taking all the time to speak out one’s own thoughts without letting the other person express what they think. On the other hand, conjunctive communication is all about being able to initiate a conversation that flows smoothly. Therefore, when solving a problem, negotiators should make use of conjunctive communication and not disjunctive ones. For example, negotiator should avoid asking further questions before the other party completes his/her last sentence. Invalidating communication can make the receiver of the messages feel ignored, alienated, or worthless. On the other hand, validating communication is all about making the other party feel understood, valued, accepted, and recognized. Therefore, when solving a problem, negotiators should make use of validating communication and not invalidating ones. In most cases, this can be done by trying to avoid criticizing the other person. Owned communication is all about taking the responsibility for one’s own statement. For example, â€Å"I told you that you need to rest early†. Using the word â€Å"I† already indicate ownership

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Video Games Essay Example for Free

Video Games Essay Whenever I look out from my window at home, nothing but memories come back to me. When the time that me and my friends playing together with many kind of Filipino games like â€Å"Patintero†, â€Å"Langit Lupa†, â€Å"Black123† and many more. I was about 7 years old when I was always want to go outside to play with my friends from morning up to afternoon. My only break was when my Mom calling me saying that â€Å"we’re gonna eat our lunch† so I need to come back home as soon as possible. When I’m with my friends, my life has been always happier than when I am inside of our house. I really loved to be outside and play with my friends because it gives me fulfillment of my childhood life. As I become aware that my street has become barren from children playing outside, those memories soon fade away into silence. The truth of the matter is that video games have affected the children who play them. Although video games have been quite influential on our generation, video games have had a lot of negative effects on the children of today. Children have become obsessed with video games. Since 1980’s, the video game industry has expanded so much in the market, it is only getting larger with the growth of technology. And although these games provide much entertainment, it does not come without a cost. Since the rise of video games, more children have become more obese, more violent and less social.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Business Management Essay Example for Free

Business Management Essay According to Joss (2001),a set of rules or strategies are used to control and direct by an organization effectively and efficiency, manpower is involved to work together in an organization to achieve a common mission continuously. Different skills are required and performed by a manager, such as leadership skills, organizational skills, etc. Particular person, in an organization, should shoulder the responsibility and produce results is called manager. Managers require specific experience and qualification, to make any important decisions and lead their teams to accomplish a goal. Management are classified into four levels, they are top managers, middle managers, first-line managers and non-managerial employees respectively. (Oxford, 2009; Joss,2001) Functions of management: There is a cycle of four functions of management before achieving the stated mission, they are planning, organizing, leading as well as controlling. Planning is one of the functions that preparing and evaluating what and how they can improve to do even better. They can plan for the desired achievement or integrate their current structure. Organizing is a way to utilize resources and guide the manpower in a specific way, since investment and employees are very crucial for successful organizations. Leading is the best way to influence and coordinate the workers, as the managers ‘motivate their ‘ left-right hands. Motivation means the managers inspire and persuade them to do their best in a happy way. Controlling is the final step amongst four functions. The managers monitor the current productivity and correct the mistakes or ways they perform. (Tripathi and Reddy, 2008) Q2: According to Mintzberg (1990), the managers are grouped into ten roles by three main categories. They are Interpersonal roles, Information roles and decisional roles. Analyzing a manager – Richard Branson: When I reviewed the functions, roles and skills, there is no denying I admire a manager Richard Branson a lot, who is the founder and director of Virgin Group. He is approximately 63 years old now, he experienced nearly 47 years in different categories of business. They are record stores, air travel, soft drinks, radio, clothing, holidays, etc. The reason he could own business in different sectors, because he performs different managerial skills and roles, mainly use interpersonal skills and conceptual skills. (Branson,2007) Although Richard Branson did not have any huge plans at the beginning, he performed the function of planning to define the missions for his business, especially his airline. He wants to make his airline growth with revenue, to drive the passengers to their destinations and the employees are satisfied to stay and work for the companies. (Virgin Atlantic, 2013) For the interpersonal skills, he has very good relationship with his own employees. ‘To be a good leader you have to be a great listener. said by Richard Branson. No doubt, he doesnt only require employees to treat the customers well, but also openly listen to the employees ideas, in order to correct the existence problems and bombing new ideas for future integration. He creates new business by communicating with workers. Even though Branson has more than 200 cabin crew, he still spends time with them, listen to their requests. Because he thinks it would be the best way leading them to work in a delighted environment is a business, solving the obstacles would not be the only situation. (Branson,2012) For the conceptual skills, he has unique business sense of sustaining and integrating his business. For instant, before he established Virgin Atlantic, he was doing the business of Virgin Music successfully. A lawyer persuaded Richard to invest in airlines; he was taking risks of promising, as he has no experience. However, he analyzed every risk, strategies and possibility of earning money after making up his mind; he even performed the function of organizing that thinking of the year plan and finding out the reasons why the competitors offered the market prices that low. Until now, Virgin Atlantic is the second largest airlines in the UK. (Branson,2009) In reality, most of the businessmen may not accept this challenge, because they want to ensure the risks are lower than the returns before taking any plans. Richard Branson used to equip himself with different financial perspectives; therefore, he can make a right decision quicker than a normal businessman and this shows that he was performing decisional roles. (Branson,2009) Although Richard Branson has a lot of insight of different perspectives, he would sometimes face the failure. He would like to compete with Coca-Cola and Pepsi for launching Virgin Coke. Nevertheless, he underestimated his competitors, as the location distribution is crucial to drinks industry. Therefore, he performed his function of controlling and the skills of managing changes, to correct the mistakes they made. He changed the location from the USA to Bangladesh and was being the best cola drink there. (Branson,2009) Q3: Reflection of myself: It is possible that everyone would possess managerial skills, including myself. I do possess human skills, conceptual skills and technical skills. However, no matter what my job position is, the degree of owning these skills is not the same. If I need to rank three of them, interpersonal skills would have the strongest degree. I have communication skills and leading function. As I have to deliver the responsibility to other committees and negotiate with suppliers to reduce our costs; therefore, my communication skills have been greatly improved by being figurehead and negotiator. Besides, I need to help keeping a good relationship with the external world. Additionally, I have the function of organizing and the skills and roles of decision-making as well. Being the leader in a team, I have to allocate works to my teammates; as a result, I need to organize all the plans before delivering to anyone. Besides, I faced a lot of obstacles, which are in sudden. If the original plan is not working, I need to perform the function of controlling, to think of another most suitable plan immediately. My conceptual skills should be enhanced, such as predict the future economy situation accurately or invest any properties in a smart way, as integrating our business is the most significant part of upholding current and achieving goals. I would like to be the top manager in next five years or more, who will own at least few shops. Knowing how to calculate the expected return rate and risk would be the first step. Therefore, I would like to learn how I could buy any properties without using my own money, but using the earned profits to invest and earn new profits. It seems my thoughts can be easily accomplished in words, but different skills are involved. Therefore, I should start understanding the bankers thought and how is the banking systems working, and then I could negotiate with them fluently. Because loans from the bank may be the ‘helping hands of my first business. However, my technical skills are not good enough. Lacking of the knowledge of advanced technology and particular software, my technical skills should be enriched as well. Although technical skills are very crucial to some managers, I will not put a lot of effort on learning them. Because first-line manager can be hired for monitoring the daily processing systems; yet, I should learn how to use software to read the financial statement and make proper decision for expanding my business. Additionally, I should briefly know the transactions processing as well, to prevent the employees from making their own interests. Last but not least, employees are the assets of my company; I should learn how to use the best resources and people with the lowest costs to boost the productivity and achieve my goals. In conclusion, management is very crucial to an organization. As people cannot entirely perform all the functions, roles and skills in a specific position, managers are required to shoulder their responsibility continuously to help achieving the defined mission. Besides, reflecting our strengths and weaknesses would be other criteria to run successful business. Bibliography : †¢ Branson,R. , 2007. Business the Richard Branson Way: 10 Secrets of the World’s Greatest Brand Builder. 3rd Edition. Great Britain : The Random House Group Limited. †¢ Brason,R. , 2009. Losing My Virginity : The Autobiography. Great Britain : The Random House Group Limited. †¢ Branson,R. ,2009. Business Stripped Bare. Great Britain: The Random House Group Limited. †¢ Branson,R. , 2012. Like A Virgin : Secrets They Won’t Teach You At Business School. Great Britain : The Random House Group Limited. †¢ Joss,R.L.,2001.Management. Australian Journal of Management, [e-journal] 26,p.89, Available through : London School of Economics and Political Science [ Accessed 2 February 2013]. †¢ Oxford, 2009. Dictionary of Business and Management. United States : Oxford University Press. †¢ Tripathi,P.C. and Reddy,P.N. ,2008. Principles of Management. 4th Edition. India : The McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. †¢ Mintzberg,H. ,1990. Mintzberg on Management : Inside Our Strange World Of Organization. United States of America : The Free Press. †¢ Virgin Atlantic,2013. Our Mission Statement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 February 2013].

Media Essays Mass Media Society

Media Essays Mass Media Society Mass Media Society Abstract This paper shows the problems of mass media. Mass media is absolutely important for our life. However, as much as mass media plays an important role in our society, it causes some serious problems. Mass media makes citizens recognize misjudgments by distorting the truth. Most serious problem mass media can affect extreme power to our society. Mass media has been developed more and more as society has grown, becoming centralized authority in our society. Exaggerated contents of mass media affect bad sides to people-especially teenagers. Some people tend to believe mass media absolutely, so it is also becomes a problem. Television, internet, and advertising, nowadays, the most important medium of mass media brings some problems to each other, so these are issue in society which people have to solve. Mass Media Power The more society has grown, the bigger the market of mass media has been developed. Hibbert (2006) defined in the book the power of media that mass media is all part of television, radio, Web sites, newspapers, magazines and books. They deliver information to the public (p. 6). People can meet and understand their society through mass media. Before 1960s, mass media was not public. Some citizens could know how their society and economy were moved according to newspaper. Since 1970s when television was invented, the market of mass media has been developed. Now, most fields of mass media were created, so we can meet mass media really easily not only on the streets but also at home. We are living under the effects of mass media. However, this development of mass media brings some problems in our society as two sides of the same coins. Mass media crisis has rear up secretly because most media organizations do not want to be revealed to their problems frankly. Problems Mass media affects all fields such as politic, economy, government, culture and society. Almost all countries have their own problems of media. The most serious problem of that media is mass media can bring confusion of people value. For example, mass media is to make people agree their ideas or thoughts in terms of propaganda. The meaning of propaganda is â€Å"a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people† (Propaganda, 2008). Actually, this word was meaning of the things to be spread. However, now most people may know the word of propaganda is some information which is false or emphasizes one part of a situation, normally used by a government or political group according to Nazi propaganda (Bytwerk, 2005). Taylor (2001) revealed how Hitler implanted his ideology in their citizens: In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed Minister for Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels had spread a lot of propagandas, contained the ideology of Hitler and Nazi. All journalists, writers, and artists were needed to register with one of the Ministrys subsidiary chambers for the press, fine arts, music, theater, film, literature, or radio. The Nazis believed in propaganda as a vital tool in achieving their goals. Adolf Hitler was impressed by the power of Allied propaganda during World War I and believed that it had been a primary cause of the collapse of morale and revolts in the German home front and Navy in 1918. Broadcasters and journalists required prior approval before their works were disseminated. Along with posters, the Nazis produced a number of films and books to spread their beliefs. (pp. 162-163) In the U.S. and South Korean government also by emphasizing red complex to their citizens through mass media like radio or newspapers, the governments make their citizens recognize the hostile attitude about all policies of socialism while they justifies their policies (Kang, 1997). These things are absolute examples of mass media’s problem. In addition, as market of mass media has been developed much, the authority of mass media has grown also. The power of mass media has been centralized too much, so it exercises extreme influence over any government. The contents of mass media have been contained exaggeration and violence more and more. This mass media makes people tend to believe absolutely. Mass media has strong authority in our society. Mass media became one most important way for people to deliver information since mass media has been developed. We can get a lot of information and knowledge easily through mass media like newspaper, magazines and books. Actually, there is no way for us to take new information except through mass media. Therefore, mass media could have great authority among our society. Television Television is one of the most important media of mass communication. Common people may watch television at least one hour every day. Some people usually meet news through television and others may want to watch dramas or variety shows. We can watch a lot of programs according to our tastes through television. Nielsen media research (1998) reported: â€Å"Television was introduced to the U.S.A. at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York. After two years, the Federal communications Commission licensed and approved the first commercially available television stations. In 1950, about 9% of American homes had TV sets. Since 1985, television ownership has been about 98%† (cited in Bushman, 2001, p. 477). Since television was invented, media became very popular in our life. Now almost all families have television at least one at home. Television has developed since 1930th as amazing invention can give people a lot of information and enjoyment visually and audially both. Most Americans watch television for 3 to 5 hours per day (Horvath, 2004, p. 378). As much as television has become famous to people, it causes many problems too. The violence of television’s programs has very serious effects. In television programs, we can easily see a recurrence of a case. It causes imitative crimes. Brandon Centerwall (1993), a professor at the University of Washington reported that from 1945 to 1974, 93% of the murder rate has been increased. It shows that television teaches violence, and it also makes people be unconcerned about violence. It can also cause antisocial actions. Television can bring addiction, which is one problem appeared since mass media was developed. TV addiction is similar with other addictions like drugs addiction or gambling. Especially TV addiction is bad for children. â€Å"A child who watched two hours of television a day before age three would be 20 percent more likely to have attention problems at age seven compared with a child who did not watch television† (Christakis, 2004). Television programs are contained to the violent acts and sensational contents more and more by pursuing commercial value. Moreover, they also maintain that television is forcing simple thoughts. Television gives us a lot of information but they can just give that. Viewers just can accept television’s information we cannot communicate with television. It is sure that the invention of television brought great development in our society. However, as the market of broadcast has been bigger, programs in television has been contained more violence and exaggerated. These things give children and teenagers bad effects, so all broadcast need to adjust their program contents. Internet Thatcher and Goolam (2005) said in their journal: The number of people using the internet has grown exponentially since the emergence of World Wide Web about ten years ago. No one is exactly sure how many people have online access. According to NUA Internet Survey (2002), it was estimated the number of internet users is approximately 600 million people in 2002 (Nua Internet survey, cited in Thatcher Goolam, 2002, p. 767). The popularity of the WWW, combined with the pervasiveness of computer technology in general, means that people are becoming increasingly reliant on technology and the Internet to conduct their day-to-day and work activities. (p. 767) Although internet appeared as a new medium of media and it formed new society, internet is not mixed with society where we live, so it caused many problems. We can accept tremendous information via internet because people in all over the world could share their information on network. However, as much as there is a lot of knowledge, in internet there is also information not true and useless. Also, since internet was popularized, many illegal crimes have been happened through internet. These crimes committed through the use of computer are called cybercrime. Cybercrime is â€Å"a real and growing problem that costs governments, businesses, and individual computer users millions of dollars annually and that facilitates many of the same crimes committed in real space, such as identity theft and the trafficking of child pornography, only on a larger scale† (Jones, 2007). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) revealed the U.S.A. lost about 240 million dollars from online crime during 2007: Financial losses from online crime reported to U.S. authorities reached a record high last year, topping nearly 240 million dollar. Taking into account unreported crimes the real figure is likely to be much higher. Auction fraud and other forms of cybercrime reported to the Internet Crime Complaint Center were up 40 million or 20 per cent from those reported in 2006. The IC3 received 206,884 complaints about internet crimes last year, more than 90,000 of which were referred to law enforcement agencies across the U.S. IC3, which serves as a clearing house for cybercrime, is a joint operation between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. Although internet auction fraud was the most widely reported complaint to the IC3, other problem areas included non-delivery of purchases and credit card fraud. Computer hacking attacks spam and child abuse on the net formed the subject of other complaints. Commonly reported scams involved the purchase or sale of pets, cheque fraud, email spam, and online dating fraud. The report provides evidence that the U.K. is fast catching up with the U.S. in being a hotbed of cybercrime. Despite the fact that the IC3 study is supposedly a national US annual report, the UK is the source of 15.3 per cent of the crime reports, significantly ahead of other cybercrime hotspots such as Nigeria (Leyden, 2008). It is also commonly happened to be invaded person’s privacy and personal information on network. According to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by TNS Sofres on behalf of digital-security company Gemalto (2008), about 60% of Americans are concerned about stealing their account passwords when they bank online, and 38% do not believe online payments (cited in Swartz, 2008). Advertising Advertising is a part of mass media. Market of advertisement has been developed as much as we can see an advertisement per one minute. Nowadays most products make up of advertisement because each product has to be sold in infinity competition society. Now customers live in the flood of advertising. From the moment of opening eyes to going to bed, people are connected with advertising through television, radio, newspapers, magazines and catalogs. Human Communication research (1998) shows one adult can contact to 3,000 advertising during one day and he or she can memorize just 10 out of 3,000 (cited in Kim, 2000, p. 54). The market of advertisements has been developed. However, the problem of advertisements are inherent in function of information, entertain and persuasion, so they may not only make people’s life style changed but also promote decadent culture like alcohol, cigarette and sex. Ellickson et al (2005) studied about how much advertising will affect to adolescents: Ellickson and other authors examine the relationship exposure to different forms of alcohol advertisingand subsequent drinking among U.S. adolescents and assess whether exposure to an alcohol and drug prevention program mitigates any such relationship. The sample includes 3111 seventh-graders drawn from 41 South Dakota middle schools, and they are exposed to television beer advertising, variables were constructed for four types of alcohol advertising television, in store displays, magazines and concession stands. The result of this experience is several forms of alcohol advertising predict adolescent drinking; which sources dominate depends on the childs prior experience with alcohol. Forty-eight percent of the non-drinkers in grade 7 qualified as past-year drinkers by the spring of ninth grade, indicating a substantial amount of initiation over the period examined. (pp. 235-246). Like this, advertising affects to people, especially adolescents a lot. Actually advertising has a great of influence on customers and society. For example, there is a study that skinny models in advertising cause eating disorder of women and girl, so some countries took measures to ban ultra-skinny models from their catwalks (Diderich, 2007). People can meet the extreme number of advertising everyday, so advertising has to be made without exaggeration and fiction. Janese Heavin (2007) who is the Tribune’s staff, wrote the article about a study: University of Missouri-Columbia research said that looking at pictures of flawless models in fashion magazines can make even the prettiest women feel downright crummy. Laurie Mintz, associate professor of education, school and counseling psychology in the MU College of Education said most women know intuitively or subconsciously that when they look at magazines they will feel badly about themselves. The study validates what women know in their own experiences but assume it is just theirs to deal with. Spearheaded by graduate student Emily Hamilton, who used the project to earn her master’s degree, the study asked 81 college women to rate how they feel about their appearance, from facial features to chest size. Some of the women were then asked to view magazine advertisements that used fashion models to sell products. Others looked at ads that showed products with no models. Those who saw the images of fashion models later reported having a more negative body image, regardless of their own attractiveness. This study shows women were equally affected by the images. It is been commonly believed that larger women or women struggling with eating disorders feel worse after seeing pictures of models, but the latest study indicates the images are bad for everyone. In conclusion, people have to be careful when accepting mass media’s information. There are not simple solutions to solve the problem of media. These problems of mass media like television, internet and advertising have bad effects on people especially the perfection of self during childhood. People should try to accept right information through mass media. Therefore, they need to improve critical thoughts for filtering correct acknowledge. Critical thinking might be helpful to accept which information is needed to us. Critical thinking is â€Å"mental processes of distinguish, analysis and evaluation. Critical thinking is a form of judgment, specifically meaningful and reflective judgment. Using critical thinking one makes a decision or solves the problem of judging what to believe or what to do, but does so in a reflective way† (Critical thinking, 2008). People have the right to criticize and punish media which is to destroy our emotion and ethics. People have to improve power of judgment. If people have ability to control information in this information-oriented society, they may have precedence over other people who do not have.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Free Essays - All Quiet on the Western Front :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays

  All Quiet on the Western Front   The setting of this novel takes place in Germany during World War I. the war is being fought at the fronts- which is almost every side of Germany where other countries lie. For the most part, Paul Baumer stays on the western front, (north west of Belgium), during the three years when the novel takes place. The setting is very important because it shows the darkest part of the war, when most of Germanys fighting takes place.   Paul Baumer, a young soldier who enjoys writing poems and plays, becomes a man during his three years of service. He wants the war to be over so he can go back home to his family and read and write again with out being disrupted by his thoughts of the front. By the end of the novel, he does not achieve this because he was killed on the western front. When they found his body, it had an appearance of calm gladness because the war was finally over for him. In this novel, Paul faced drastic changes. He went from a child who knew nothing about death, despair or fear to a grown man who only knew those three things. At the end of the novel Paul had nothing, for every thing he had loved or cared about was taken from him by the war. I liked this character because he was well written. He was head strong about life or what he knew of it.   Stanislaus Katczinsky also know, as Kat is a forty-year-old veteran of war who teaches Paul and others about life on the battlefield. He is head strong and very smart and is depended on by Paul and others for food, and helping them cope with war. I believe Kat wants what every soldier wants, for the war to be over. I liked this character he was fun to read and a great teacher to me about the war.   The minor character that was most interesting to me was Corporal Himmelstoss because he was unfair to other soldiers, in a mean bullying manner. However, when it finally came down for the Corporal to fight, he became a coward. In the end, he gained the respect of Paul and others for rescuing Haie.   I believe the most important conflict in the story was when Paul volunteered to be part of a patrol to spy on the allied position.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Great Gatsby: The Decline of The American Dream Essay -- The Great

The pursuit of the American Dream has been alive for generations. People from nations all over the world come to America for the chance to achieve this legendary dream of freedom, opportunity, and the â€Å"all American family†. However, in the 1920’s this dream began to take a different form. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, unfolds what the American Dream really meant during the roaring 20’s. The Great Gatsby tells a story of the affluent Jay Gatsby and his dream of attaining the love of the married Daisy Buchanan. In this novel, Gatsby’s dream of love is unmasked and reviled as a dream of materialistic things. Fitzgerald shows that each character truly glorifies only money, power, and social stature. During the 1920’s, these things were the only thing people dreamt about. The symbolism in The Great Gatsby illustrates how the American Dream became corrupt in the 1920’s. Fitzgerald has an amazing talent to create symbols for things that could be overlooked by any reader such as colors. Every color mentioned has a meaning even if it may not seem it. White and green are the main colors mentioned in the novel. White can often be portrayed as wholesome and innocent. However, in this novel white actually represents the false purity or decency in some of these characters. Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker, a friend of Daisy’s, are always seen wearing something white. Daisy and Jordan both seem as if they are sweet and innocent at first, but deep down you see it is only and act and they are truly careless and selfish. Gatsby also wore white on his first meeting with Daisy after five years so that he would appear to be good and pure. The 1920’s also had this way of deception. The fads such as jazz, fashion and art all made the 1920’... ... Gatsby’s dream of winning Daisy embodied the American Dream in the 20’s. Gatsby, as well as everyone in the 20’s, only dreamt of the materialistic in life and it didn’t matter how it was achieved. When talking about Gatsby, Nick says, â€Å"If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream.† (Fitzgerald 161). This quote explains that it’s sad that one man only had one dream that he paid high prices for and never got it. Fitzgerald shows that in the 1920’s people only had one dream of power no matter what it took, and in the end it was never attained because of the selfishness of their dream. Through Fitzgerald’s symbolism, it is shown that the American Dream in the 1920’s was corrupt and fell apart. Work Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tuesdays with Morrie :: Free Essay Writer

Tuesdays with Morrie At the conclusion of the story there is Morrie slowly but surely deteriorating. At this point, he has finally â€Å"gotten† to Mitch and now Mitch is starting to show some emotions. One section in this portion of the book that really made me happy when reading it was the fact that Mitch was able to get in touch with his brother, tell him how he truly feels and how much he values their relationship and so they develop another one between the two before it’s too late. Morrie’s lessons are extremely important to everyone that he comes into contact with; he even brought out the best in Mitch’s wife Janine when she came to see him. The relationship that Morrie and Ted Koppel had developed in the three visits shows that anyone that he comes into contact with has no choice but to become attached to him. Morrie’s help became so bad in the last 3 sections or so to the point that he could not get out of the bed, Mitch had never seen him like this becaus e he was not one to lay around in the bed all day. His worse nightmare had happened, the disease had attacked his lungs and there was nothing else that could be done, a treatment had been developed but it didn’t cure the disease only prolonged it and Morrie was too far along for that. When Morrie died at the end of the story he was in the room by himself, he took his last breath when the family member that was holding vigil at his bedside walked to the kitchen. He had a private funeral for just close family and friends and Mitch vowed to keep their traditions of Tuesdays going but instead he would do all the talking and Morrie just listen. This has been the best book that I have read in a long time. It was filled with so many lessons that we as a society ignore.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

International Monetary Fund Essay

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a central organization in the world whose mandate of establishment in 1945 revolves around world economic and monetary cooperation (imf. org, 2006). By following microeconomic policies of the member countries, this intergovernmental organization manages or oversees the global financial system. In this organization, almost all the countries in the world work together in cooperation for the common good. The primary purpose of IMF is to propagate and stabilize international monetary system which is key in ensuring and maintaining stable international payments and exchange rates that are critical in promoting trade between countries. In its efforts to ensure stability of the international monetary system, IMF has the responsibility of reviewing the financial developments in the national, regional, and global arena. The major purpose for which International Monetary Fund was established can be explained in three points. First is to promote stable exchange rates while at the same time ensuring that order is maintained in the exchange arrangements between its member countries and to prevent competitive exchange from depreciating. Secondly, IMF was established to enhance the expansion of international trade in a balanced manner so that all the member countries can benefit from increased levels of employment and real income in addition to better development and utilization of economic resources of these member countries. Thirdly, IMF has the mandate to contribute in the establishment of a new system of payment which is multilateral in nature and which functions to eliminate the many restrictions imposed by foreign exchange and which impedes the blossoming of world trade (munfw. org, n. d). The 184 member countries are required to adopt policies which protect them from financial and economic crises, promote economic stability and policies which have the capacity to raise the living standards of the citizens (imf. rg, 2006). In any given organization, the mission and the set goals are very important since they form the basis for the strategies and management of different affairs in the organization including the critical area of decision making which determines whether the goals will be achieved or not. It is therefore the objective of this paper to describe the mission and the goals of International Monetary Fund and also analyse the process of decision making in the orgaization so as to achieve these goals. One of the mission of IMF is to offer financial assistance to various countries which have faced crises of balance-of-payments as a result of domestic policies. The governments of such countries do not have a choice other than to borrow from the IMF so as to propagate various economic activities in their countries. On the part of IMF, it has to safeguard the interest of the shareholders and therefore it requires that the countries borrowing the funds put in place stringent policy adjustments which will facilitate repayment. Another mission of the IMF is to function as a reserve pool for global economies. This is in light of the fact that various countries especially in the developed world have accumulated colosal amounts of resources and money which act to insure them against shocks. On the other hand, many countries especially in the developing world lack the capacity to accumulate resources for insurance purposes but rather would use them for consumption and investments. The IMF therefore in this case acts as reserve pool which can manage these reserves so that even poor countries can access financial assistance in times of economic crises (Eichengreen, 2009). The third mission of the IMF is to act as a supervisor with regard to macroeconomic activities and trends. This means that it has to be very prudent in keeping an eye on the prevaling financial conditions or trends in the whole globe and in case of any signs of financial instability, provide warnings on the same so that appropriate actions can be taken. However, it has only played a supporting role since most of these activities have been undertaken by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) following the suggestions by the G-20. The goals of the International Monetary Fund are in line with the goals set by the international community in 2000 popularly known as the UN Millennium Development Goals. These goals focus on fundamental aspects of human existence and are geared toward ensuring improved living standards by curbing poverty and improving the health of world populations. The time frame for the achievement of these goals is set to be by the year 2015 and therefore decision making and actions taken are done systematically and resources managed carefully to meet the set deadline. The areas of focus of the first seven goals are on eradication of extreme hunger and poverty, ensuring that primary education is accessible by all children, empowerment of women and promotion of gender equality, improvement of maternal health and reduction of child mortality. The sixth goal is with regard to HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases which have been wrecking havoc in many developing countries. The seventh goal focus on issues of environment in that IMF intends to achieve environmental sustainability by the year 2015 (imf. org, 2010). The last goal requires that a global partnership for development be formed to address issues of debt relief, aid and trade. Decisions made by the IMF are meant to ensure that the resources available are managed carefully so that the organization can meet its goals without having problems caused by lack good management of available resources in many organizations. From the goals described, it is clear that IMF targets to offer assistance to poor countries in order to overcome some of the most common challenges facing them such as disease, poverty and illiteracy. However, the organization is not a development institution like the World Bank and regional development banks. This implies that it has no mandate to provide funds for building physical infrastructure in the poor countries rather it only offers loans to the low-income countries on concessional terms in an effort to ease the pain which these countries have to endure when making critical adjustments in terms of their spending (imf. org, 2006). The purpose for making these adjustments is to bring the levels of spending to the right levels which are commensurate with their income. Consequently, this promotes important reforms which enhance much stronger and sustainable economic growth which results in poverty eradication in the affected. In addition, following streamlining of a country’s economic policies, the IMF loan given to a particular country may attract other donors who are encouraged to provide more financial support. Therefore, this organization has well elucidated approaches which are used to fight poverty and achieve the rest of the goals which it has set to accomplish by the year 2015. Decision making at the IMF revolves around two major aspects one of them being on membership of countries which may want to join the organization and on the other hand on the internal operations of the organization. Both of these areas are quite important in ensuring the sustainability of the operations within IMF. For instance, bearing in mind that the major source of money of the organization is the quotas which are contributed by different countries upon joining the organization, decision making at this stage is critical since it impacts directly on the financial stability of this organization. Quotas are basically a reflection of the size of the economies of the member countries so that a country with a broad economy in terms of variability of trade, national income, monetary reserves and output is required to deposit more into the IMF kit than a country whose size of the economy is small and whose trade variability is not great. The decisions made on the amount of quota a particular country is required to deposit also affect the voting power of that country as a member of the IMF. This means that, the larger the quota of a member country, the more decision making power or voting power it possesses. For instance, the US contributes the largest quota into the IMF kit and therefore has the highest decision-making power at nearly 18%. On the other hand the whole African continent due to its small quota in the IMF possesses only a 5% decision-making power (munfw. org, n. d). The Board of Governors can review these quotas periodically and increase them when deemed necessary. The IMF staff and management comprise of different bodies which govern and manage the affairs of the organization to facilitate the realization of the laid down goals by 2015. These include the Board of Governors, International monetary and financial committee, the Executive board, and the standing committees. However, the important decisions are made by the Board of governors. The whole IMF staff and the management are accountable to the managing director of this organization who is appointed by the executive board to whom he is also accountable. The supreme decision-making body of the IMF is the Board of governors which is made of one governor and one alternate governor from each member country who is appointed to represent the interests of the country at the organization. The alternate governor of each member country is usually the governor of the central bank or the minister of finance. The board of governors is bestowed with the responsibility of making decisions concerning membership and also internal operational activities of the organization such as changes that might be required to the Fund’s structure. Decision making process requires ample time and therefore the Board of governors usually meets twice every year to deliberate on critical issues. The Executive board has the responsibility of carrying out the day-to-day activities of the organization. The board is chaired by the managing director who is assisted by three deputy managing directors. The member countries or groups of countries elect or appoint 24 executive directors make the bulk of the board. To ease the decision making process at the board level, most member countries are grouped into constituencies but the largest shareholders that is US, Germany, Japan, UK, France are not grouped but instead each has one chair. The decision making with regard to appointment of executive directors is in some countries based on the number of votes that a particular country has so that a country with the highest number of votes appoints the executive director. Good decision making process is characterized by consensus and this is adequately embraced in the organization whereby the board relies on consensus in making decisions. The nature of this consensus is determined by the number of executive directors who agree or disagree with a certain issue. In the light of the principle that a good decision making process gives room for opinions and views from all members involved, IMF is keen to allow for a voting exercise to take place in case different opinions crop up in the initial stages of the decision making process. In this voting approach, a needed majority is established in order to give a direction on decision making. However, the percentage majority required will be determined by the nature of the decision which is being made so that a 51%, 66% or 85% majority may be required (brettonwoodsproject. rg, 2005). During this process, the managing director of the IMF who chairs the executive board is required to advice the board to consider matters arising and be patient until that time when a broad majority has made a clear decision on the issue under discussion. Decision making process is characterized by the presence of options or alternatives so that if one fails, the other alternative can be employed to see whether the anticipated results will be achieved. This is exactly what happens at IMF when the majority still fails to precipitate consensus. The alternative is to go by the simple majority of the voting power in which a decision can be quickly made through a collective agreement involving G-7 chairs and a few directors (brettonwoodsproject. org, 2005). The IMF as a firmly rooted organization is therefore a good example of an organization whose excellent management strategy is reflected by its ability to facilitate many poor countries especially in Africa overcome common challenges such as poverty and disease. The mission and the goals set by this organization go hand in hand with the Millennium Development Goals and therefore consistent management of all the resources available to the organization is critical to meet the 2015 time target. The decision making process employed by the IMF also points to one of the key reasons for successful operations since it offers alternatives, democracy and dialogue in addition to the well organized management staff.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Pros and Cons

ENC 1011 Birth Control in American Society The Pros and Cons â€Å"On May 9, 1960, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the marketing of the first birth control pill in the United States. † The battle over birth control waged on long before F. D. A’s approval. Since its creation, arguments both pro and anti birth control have been immense. From religious beliefs to freedom of choice, both sides still have yet to find a middle ground on this matter. Whether negative or positive, birth control has had a tremendous impact on American society with no compromise in sight.The pro birth control side believes we must know in the war of birth control what exactly we are fighting for, teens are going to have to sex before marriage regardless, and parents have to do what they can to minimize the effects of it. According to one thinker, â€Å"The first step in determining the dispense of birth control is acknowledging the frequency of non-marital sex, and willingness to consider its consequences. † Backed by Susan Jacoby studies, indicating that the percent of the population having sex by the age of 21 rose from 40% to 70% were for the entire population.Today, 77% of men and women will have had sex, including 75% who will have had premarital sex, by the age of 20. Consequently, 95% of the entire population will have had sex outside of marriage by the age of 44, and they will overwhelmingly have done so with someone other than a person they will eventually marry (Jacoby). Naomi Cahn, a professor from George Washington University Law School once stated, â€Å" The war for non-premarital sex was lost long ago, we’re now combatting the results of the loss with our main weapon being birth control. Once conceding defeat, the belief is that parents can neutralize the consequences of teens having sex by giving them birth control. On the other hand the anti birth control side; tends to believe by parents giving birth control to teens, they ar e in fact promoting teen promiscuity. According to research done by Richard John Neuhaus commenting on giving birth control to kids, â€Å"To do so would be to try something that possibly no society has tried before: to state publicly that there are no social standards or sanctions with respect to the sexual activity of young people.Giving teens birth control would be parents way of saying, I expect you to have sexual intercourse with out verbally saying it. This would make it appear to be normal, thus by virtue lending a helping hand in teens having sexual intercourse (Neuhaus). Feeling dispense of such devices would led to lower standards in American society is more harmful then beneficent. Most people who are pro choice refute the notion of more harm done then good in usage. Joyce Arthur an activist for birth control was a part of several studies conducted in the U. S.Joyce cited â€Å"The consequences of mothers and fathers parenting children they did not want to bear resulted in damages both to the children and parents. † The children were significantly more likely to have mental handicaps, they performed significantly worse academically and were twice as likely to have a record of juvenile delinquency according to Dr. Jeffrey Peipert of Washington University in St. Louis in a study published. Activist states not only are we putting our future in jeopardy by denying them birth control, but we are also damaging our young teens.Teens whom had to bear unwanted children have shown consistent patterns of anti-social behavior and neglect by their own parents. Joyce argues â€Å"These issues are more detrimental than the marginal increase in sexual activity amongst teens. † Thus parents giving birth control devices to teens help society more according to Joyce Arthur. Many of those against birth control believe we cannot foresee the full impact of parents actively giving out birth control. According to Douglas J. Besharov,† Parents actively pushing birth control to teens ought to be aware of the possible increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STD).Citing a vast number or birth control devices protect against pregnancy but aren’t efficient at fighting the diseases. Besharov stated, â€Å"If only can we have our parents weigh the unwanted birth of a child, to the lost of a child to an S. T. D, they may see the lesser of two evils in promoting birth control. No method outside of condoms has proven to offer any protection from a S. T. D. Besharov asks, â€Å"Are we so concerned with unwanted births that we’d disregard the health of the living? † The debate on whether we should or should not give birth control to teens as gone on for years and will continue on for the foreseeable future. Both sides have made very valuable and valid points. There is no right or wrong answer it just a matter of beliefs and preferences. The only answer lies with in the person, if one chooses to have sex, with out ques tion birth control should be readily available to them, to protect themselves from consequences. However, if there is any error at all in these debates it would be the notion that we should assume that all our teens are having sex.With this assumption for us to actively push birth control could indeed send the wrong message. For those who aren’t actively having sex it could be due to the fact that they don’t have their hands on birth control devices and by us giving it to them we could also be giving them the green light to have sex. Works Cited Bartells, F. K. â€Å"Teens Should Not Have Access to Emergency Contraception Without Parental Consent. † Birth Control. Ed. Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. rom â€Å"The New ‘Emergency Contraception': A Dark and Deadly Pill. † 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. Cahn, Naomi, and June Carbone. â€Å"Birth Control Asserts Feminist Values and Is Socially Beneficial. † Birth Control. Ed. Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Contraception: Securing Feminism's Promise. † The George Washington University Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper. Vol. 476. 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 4 Oct. 2012 Neuhaus, Richard John. â€Å"Long-Term Contraceptive Devices Promote Teen Promiscuity. † Teens at Risk. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. Parenthood, Planned. â€Å"Teen Access to Abortion Should Not Be Restricted. â€Å"The Abortion Controversy. Ed. Emma Bernay. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"Child Custody Protection Act: Hearings on H. R. 1218. † 1999. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. The Pros and Cons ENC 1011 Birth Control in American Society The Pros and Cons â€Å"On May 9, 1960, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the marketing of the first birth control pill in the United States. † The battle over birth control waged on long before F. D. A’s approval. Since its creation, arguments both pro and anti birth control have been immense. From religious beliefs to freedom of choice, both sides still have yet to find a middle ground on this matter. Whether negative or positive, birth control has had a tremendous impact on American society with no compromise in sight.The pro birth control side believes we must know in the war of birth control what exactly we are fighting for, teens are going to have to sex before marriage regardless, and parents have to do what they can to minimize the effects of it. According to one thinker, â€Å"The first step in determining the dispense of birth control is acknowledging the frequency of non-marital sex, and willingness to consider its consequences. † Backed by Susan Jacoby studies, indicating that the percent of the population having sex by the age of 21 rose from 40% to 70% were for the entire population.Today, 77% of men and women will have had sex, including 75% who will have had premarital sex, by the age of 20. Consequently, 95% of the entire population will have had sex outside of marriage by the age of 44, and they will overwhelmingly have done so with someone other than a person they will eventually marry (Jacoby). Naomi Cahn, a professor from George Washington University Law School once stated, â€Å" The war for non-premarital sex was lost long ago, we’re now combatting the results of the loss with our main weapon being birth control. Once conceding defeat, the belief is that parents can neutralize the consequences of teens having sex by giving them birth control. On the other hand the anti birth control side; tends to believe by parents giving birth control to teens, they ar e in fact promoting teen promiscuity. According to research done by Richard John Neuhaus commenting on giving birth control to kids, â€Å"To do so would be to try something that possibly no society has tried before: to state publicly that there are no social standards or sanctions with respect to the sexual activity of young people.Giving teens birth control would be parents way of saying, I expect you to have sexual intercourse with out verbally saying it. This would make it appear to be normal, thus by virtue lending a helping hand in teens having sexual intercourse (Neuhaus). Feeling dispense of such devices would led to lower standards in American society is more harmful then beneficent. Most people who are pro choice refute the notion of more harm done then good in usage. Joyce Arthur an activist for birth control was a part of several studies conducted in the U. S.Joyce cited â€Å"The consequences of mothers and fathers parenting children they did not want to bear resulted in damages both to the children and parents. † The children were significantly more likely to have mental handicaps, they performed significantly worse academically and were twice as likely to have a record of juvenile delinquency according to Dr. Jeffrey Peipert of Washington University in St. Louis in a study published. Activist states not only are we putting our future in jeopardy by denying them birth control, but we are also damaging our young teens.Teens whom had to bear unwanted children have shown consistent patterns of anti-social behavior and neglect by their own parents. Joyce argues â€Å"These issues are more detrimental than the marginal increase in sexual activity amongst teens. † Thus parents giving birth control devices to teens help society more according to Joyce Arthur. Many of those against birth control believe we cannot foresee the full impact of parents actively giving out birth control. According to Douglas J. Besharov,† Parents actively pushing birth control to teens ought to be aware of the possible increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STD).Citing a vast number or birth control devices protect against pregnancy but aren’t efficient at fighting the diseases. Besharov stated, â€Å"If only can we have our parents weigh the unwanted birth of a child, to the lost of a child to an S. T. D, they may see the lesser of two evils in promoting birth control. No method outside of condoms has proven to offer any protection from a S. T. D. Besharov asks, â€Å"Are we so concerned with unwanted births that we’d disregard the health of the living? † The debate on whether we should or should not give birth control to teens as gone on for years and will continue on for the foreseeable future. Both sides have made very valuable and valid points. There is no right or wrong answer it just a matter of beliefs and preferences. The only answer lies with in the person, if one chooses to have sex, with out ques tion birth control should be readily available to them, to protect themselves from consequences. However, if there is any error at all in these debates it would be the notion that we should assume that all our teens are having sex.With this assumption for us to actively push birth control could indeed send the wrong message. For those who aren’t actively having sex it could be due to the fact that they don’t have their hands on birth control devices and by us giving it to them we could also be giving them the green light to have sex. Works Cited Bartells, F. K. â€Å"Teens Should Not Have Access to Emergency Contraception Without Parental Consent. † Birth Control. Ed. Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. rom â€Å"The New ‘Emergency Contraception': A Dark and Deadly Pill. † 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. Cahn, Naomi, and June Carbone. â€Å"Birth Control Asserts Feminist Values and Is Socially Beneficial. † Birth Control. Ed. Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Contraception: Securing Feminism's Promise. † The George Washington University Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper. Vol. 476. 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 4 Oct. 2012 Neuhaus, Richard John. â€Å"Long-Term Contraceptive Devices Promote Teen Promiscuity. † Teens at Risk. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. Parenthood, Planned. â€Å"Teen Access to Abortion Should Not Be Restricted. â€Å"The Abortion Controversy. Ed. Emma Bernay. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"Child Custody Protection Act: Hearings on H. R. 1218. † 1999. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2012.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Need to Disobey

The Need to Disobey Both Antigone by Sophocles and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† (â€Å"LBJ†) by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) are stories which portray the theme of civil disobedience. Antigone is a play written by Sophocles that takes place in Thebes, Greece. Antigone arrives in Thebes and learns that both of her brothers died in war. Her brother Etocles has been given a proper burial while Creon, the King of Thebes, refuses to bury her other brother Polynices because he was a traitor. Antigone chooses to break the law and buries her brother, and gets caught.Despite the pleas of Antigone and Haemon, Creon’s son and Antigone’s fiance, Creon sentences Antigone to death by live burial and starvation. Feeling that it is a better option than taking the sentence, Antigone hangs herself, and when Haemon finds her, he kills himself out of despair. Queen Eurydice, Haemon’s mother and Creon’s wife, kills herself with a sharp knife. Creon is l eft in sorrow and distress when he too late finds that he has made a fatal mistake. On the other hand, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† is an essay written by MLK that he wrote in the city jail in Birmingham, Alabama.He had been arrested for parading without a permit during his non-violent protest against racial segregation. His letter is addressed to the â€Å"fellow clergymen† who criticized his work. Both writings have a character who defies the civil law because it breaks the moral law. However, the writings are also different in many ways. Overall, MLK’s â€Å"LBJ† is better than Sophocles’ Antigone. Firstly, â€Å"LBJ† is better than Antigone because the theme is portrayed in a more positive and successful way.In Antigone, it is clear that civil disobedience brought Antigone to an untimely death as Creon finds out, â€Å"Too late, too late you see what justice means† (p. 124, l. 1400-1401). Though Antigone fully disobeys Creon ’s law by burying her brother, her actions are not successful and lead to her death instead of her triumph. Only after she dies, Creon realizes that she did it for a just cause, but he is unable to turn back time and is left in despair. However, MLK is more successful in addressing the problem before it is too late, â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere† (pp. , p. 1). MLK explains that the injustice of racial prejudice he sees in the South cannot be ignored because, even if one is not part of it, it is morally wrong and unacceptable. MLK makes a more direct point that civil disobedience is necessary, and he is more effective in directly influencing the people around him, while in the play Antigone, Antigone is unable to influence Creon. â€Å"LBJ† is not only more successful in carrying out the theme, but is also more credible than Antigone. Since it is more credible, â€Å"LBJ† is better than Antigone.Antigone is a play that takes pl ace in Ancient Greece, â€Å"Land of Thebes, city of all my fathers –† (p. 107, l. 1027). Though Antigone has had a tremendous impact on society, the play itself is undeniably fictional and the events in it did not actually take place. The main character, Antigone, is also fictional and was made up by Sophocles to show his point on civil disobedience. On the other hand, â€Å"LBJ† is an essay written about true events by someone who was experiencing the injustice firsthand, â€Å"I am in Birmingham because injustice is here† (pp. 3, p. ). MLK’s â€Å"LBJ† is clearly a nonfictional writing and is therefore much more credible and can be referenced to as a primary source in history. MLK himself is still known to be one of the most important figures in American history and his writings are a very credible source as to why he took part in civil disobedience. â€Å"LBJ† is not only more credible, but is also does a better job in persuading the reader. The writing style of â€Å"LBJ† makes it easier to understand and therefore better than Antigone because it uses more logos rather than pathos arguments.When Antigone appeals to Creon, she uses the argument â€Å"I was born to join in love, not hate – that is my nature† (p. 86, l. 590 – 591). Though this argument is not completely invalid, it is weak because it cannot help Antigone when it comes to the law, which does not change because of people’s emotional natures. Her pathos arguments did not appeal to Creon, who insists she disobeyed the law and should receive just punishment. Another factor of the play is that it is written in dialogue which is sometimes difficult to understand and follow Antigone and Haemon’s arguments.However, MLK is much more logical in his approach to the issue he is dealing with, â€Å"In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 2, p. 2). By explaining the steps to his camp aign, MLK shows that the actions he took were perfectly necessary and logical. After going into detail about each of the four steps, MLK proves that what he did was justified by logos arguments. Additionally, the writing style of MLK’s essay is very methodical and is written in modern English. However, when examining the impact of each of these works, another very important point puts â€Å"LBJ† above Antigone. LBJ† is more relatable to modern society than Antigone, which makes it better. Some of the ideas used in Antigone are no longer relevant to modern society, which is evident when Antigone speaks about her brother’s burial rites, â€Å"Hasn’t Creon graced one with all the rites, disgraced the other? † (p. 60, l. 27). Though burial is still important in modern times, it had a bigger significance in Ancient Greece because they believed that not being buried meant that the person would be in eternal unrest instead of being allowed into Hade s.Therefore, the reason for Antigone’s disobedience is more difficult to understand for modern people. However, MLK says, â€Å"Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 4, p. 12). The reason for MLK’s disobedience is much easier to understand as the issue of racial segregation is still present in modern society. It is easier to see MLK’s direct impact on modern society than Sophocles’ indirect way of impacting society.This is evident as MLK writes about a â€Å"not too distant tomorrow†, which is now because the essay was written in 1963. In these ways, â€Å"LBJ† is more relatable to modern society. Therefore, since it portrays the theme better, is more credible, is easier to understand, and more relatable in modern times, MLK’s â€Å"LBJ† is better than Sophocle’s Antigone. Another example of civil disobedience in history was in Mahatma Gandhi. Just like Antigone and King, he used nonviolent protest in an attempt to liberate the Indian people from British control.He first led peaceful protests against excessive land taxes and reached out to including all religious groups. Later, his success was evident after he assumed leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921 and led nationwide campaigns for many national issues. Above all, his main goal and reason for his peaceful protest was to achieve independence of India from British domination, which was against the law and a great example of civil disobedience. His actions resemble those of MLK and Antigone, and he was even looked up to by MLK as a role model in peaceful protest, making him the prime example of civil disobedience.